Eric's Show Journal - posted on June 3, 2003 by

Show Journal 2003-06-03

Ahhhh yes another painfully hot evening at the Meow Meow. If you saw our news page recently then you are aware that Dave currently has a broken leg, a broken ankle and is in a cast for the next several weeks. Doctors orders are not to stand or do any physical activity so we had our friend (and one time guitar player in ’99) Lyle fill in on bass. The rationale was that if Dave is just singing he would be less likely to fall over, get knocked over or somehow injure himself more (if that was even possible). Lyle did great and even nailed the Day Of The Dead bass solo. Oddly enough a lot of people seemed to dig us as a 5 piece. It was kind of cool with Dave in a cast because he was limited on stage. When he’s fully mobile again he’ll probably start up on some euro/tribal/interpretive dance bullshit and then everyone will hate us. Anyway, onto the other bands. Low Tolerance was solid and catchy. Stereotyperider was great even though they didn’t play the Jane’s Addiction cover that I longed for. The Gamits were great (as usual). Different lineup every time I see them but I suppose the same goes for us recently. Bigwig was awesome even minus a guitar player. I’ve had their CD in constant rotation since November so it was nice to see them play songs I knew. The cover of ‘Waiting Room’ by Fugazi was great as well. Thanks to the usual peeps who helped put on the show!