Show Journal 2002-06-08
Day 2 – Woke up in Idaho and ate a big breakfast. We had a real nice waitress who took our order. She went on break and was replaced by a really rude one who messed up our orders and accused us of lying. The old bait and switch routine again. During breakfast we got a call from STFS saying they had driven through the night all the way to Livingston. Crazy bastards. I hope this isn’t the norm for their driving excursions. We are getting too old and lazy for that. It was actually snowing on the pass into Montana. I can’t believe it’s snowing in June. Some tour. On the drive music highlights included the appearance of Body Count (which we all loved and loathed at the same time) and later the playing of Dee Dee King. If you aren’t aware of Mr. King, do some homework and see what you think. Justin’s belching has repulsed us all. He can burp pretty much non stop for sometimes 5- 10 minutes at a time. It’s loud, it’s gross, and as mad as we all get at him it’s still a little amusing. $5 says his throat will burst open one of the days. The show was cool because we knew quite a few people. Lots of people from last year’s Livingston show including the return of “the loadie” as well as O.G. Bill. We missed the first band tonight but did get to see Coldsnap 9 again. My god they were even better than last time. I was embarrassed to play after them as they are so good. I thought STFS was good last night but they were even more rocking tonight. It was cool seeing everyone sing their songs. After the show everyone hung out for a while careful not to be assaulted by Coldsnap 9’s “hackey sack to the balls” trick. Derik and Damon from STFS drove on to Livingston to stay in real beds. We however stole Adam and crashed at Bill’s house where they had a few people over. I was the bastard of the group and stole the only free bed for myself.