Show Journal 2002-05-02
Pretty fun show tonight. It’s finals week at George Fox University and they decided to have a show so people could get a study break. The show was free so needless to say there was a pretty good turnout early in the evening. However with each band the music got faster and louder and the crowd dwindled accordingly. I think we immediately weeded out the ones who weren’t up to the task so the people that stuck around seemed to like us. Nothing too noteworthy to report. Well, except for Justin belching so loudly during a song that I could hear him over my guitar amp. Then there was the game of full contact foosball. Oh yeah, there was the basketball shot to Dave’s coffee cup. Oh, at one point Justin brushed his teeth with a stick of beef jerky. Then there was the simulated sodomy of Justin in front of 50 people. Yeah, pretty amusing evening. Big thanks to Darin for setting up the show and to all who stuck around!