Eric's Show Journal - posted on March 16, 2002 by

Show Journal 2002-03-16

In the words of Stuntmonkey I think this show lasted about 2 days. Truth be told there was 9 bands in all and the show lasted about 8 hours total. Pretty long show but not nearly as bad as it sounds. Seeing Burnout again was really cool and A Time Too Many was a major surprise as well. Countdown To Life was f*ing incredible. Justin and I stood up front and drooled uncontrollably at one super bad ass guitar part after another. Those guys were way beyond rock … they were like the whole damn quarry. I could ramble on and on about how good every other band was but instead I wanted to tell everyone about the cool kids in Longview that come to see us at EVERY show. Dan, Cam, Brady, Matt, Mason and the others who’s names are escaping me right now … they come to every show, they stand up front, they move around, they know the words and they sing along to every song they know. It’s not just guys either, the girls come out and rock just as hard. What makes it really cool is that they go and support every band with the same enthusiasm. It’s the coolest thing in the world and it makes Longview one our favorite places to play. Can’t wait until April when we have a new recording for everyone there!!!