Eric's Show Journal - posted on September 4, 2001 by

Show Journal 2001-09-04

Day 12 – Iowa is great to drive in for about 30 minutes then it just sucks. So boring it’s almsot painful. We were almost killed today by a truck hauling an oversize boat doing about 85 mph on the shoulder. We got a message from the show promoter saying he was dropping us from the show tonight. It was a misunderstanding that got worked out but for about 2 hours it was a very quiet van ride. We saw Air Force One flying today. Dave is obsessed with his collection of porn story books that he bought and teaches us many new terms and phrases while on the road. Once again the show was kind of weird. There were about 200 people there but most were emo/indie rock fans. For us this crowd usually returns blank stares and scattered applause when we play. Tonight was no exception. I’m sure someone out there liked it but was afraid to admit it. My guitar jack broke in mid set tonight and is now rendered unplayable for the rest of the tour. Despite the poor reaction and equipment failures we played remarkably well and are all amazed Dave still has his voice. After us was Notaword and they were really cool to meet and watch play. After their set and enduring the lingering feeling of resentment from the crowd we opted to leave early and decided to head over to Gino’s East for some pizza. God I love that place. We stayed at a Wisconsin truck stop where Kevin bought a device known as the ‘hillbilly persuader’.