Eric's Show Journal - posted on February 26, 1999 by

Show Journal 1999-02-26

The first stop on this weekend’s excursion was Richland , WA. If you’ve read any of these other reviews from Richland (or have been there) you know it doesn’t have a real strong music scene. Well guess what … it still doesn’t. But what it lacks in size in makes up for in character. They work harder at promoting their scene harder than anyone we’ve run into in a long time. Heck they record the shows there and give out promotional CD’s of them. How cool is that? Also, we’re starting to recognize the people at the shows there, which is pretty unusual. We also managed to get re-acquainted with Count Chocula … the Bosnian drunk. The show went fine and afterwards Dustin let us stay in his mobile home. Don’t laugh just yet, the thing rocks. It easily sleeps 6 people. Of course we don’t have any groupies yes, so only room for 3 was needed.