Eric's Show Journal - posted on January 2, 1999 by

Show Journal 1999-01-02

Redemption for our terrible new year’s eve arrived in the form of a show at EJ’s. It was cool to play with Moral Crux again, since they are such nice guys. I also finally got to see Lopez play which was pretty rad, because those guys rock. Of course the Automatics were good, but that goes without saying. All the bands were rad, but the best part of this evening was that we had Dave’s mom in attendance. Dave’s mom was right up front, 800 Octane shirt in effect and cheering her son on. This was fun to see, but if she knew everything he was singing, she would call him a wretched toad for the rest of his life. This evening also marked the first live appearance of the turdburglar, which in no way should be confused with the hamburglar.