Band Lineup
This is the complete list of everyone who has played in the band whether it was just one show or for many, many years. It’s a long list, but we’ve been a band for a long time. Much like Spinal Tap, there sure are a lot of drummers on that list.
Current Band Members
Dave Chaney
Bass, Vocals
Founded 1994 – Current
Dave is the only person who will ever sing for 800 Octane and has written the lyrics to 100% of the songs. Dave used to own a hearse and now collects military vehicles. Ask him about it sometime.
Eric Ackerson
Founded 1994 – Current
Rhythm guitar player, then the only guitar player, now a rhythm guitar player again. Eric has curated this web site since 1996 and has grown very comfortable talking about himself in the third person.
Justin Britton
Guitar, Vocals
May 2000 – Current
We added Justin after deciding we needed a second guitar. He wasn’t even 21 at the time and we have been forever trying to keep up with his energy. Even after this many years, he’s still “the new guy”.
Jim Lund
Aug 1999 – July 2002
May 2003 – Oct 2004
Mar 2015 – Current
Jim came into the mix after Bryan left from the band. He played a ton of shows with us and recorded ‘The Return’. He left for a while, came back to record ‘Rise Again’, played another ton of shows and then left again. He ran a road case company called Caseworks for a while, and eventually moved overseas. Finding himself back in the US more frequently, he re-entered our lives in 2015.
Past Band Members
Dustin Wheeler
April 2005 – June 2014
Dustin came to us by way of Longview, WA. He drove two hour round trip to practice every day, played a ton of shows, and recorded ‘Requiem’. He played in several other Longview bands and eventually moved to Nashville to pursue his musical career. Unfortunatly, after moving back to Longview he passed away in 2019.
Dan Barzola
Sept 2002 – Jan 2003
Oct 2004 – Mar 2005
Dan was Jim’s replacement in the end of ’02. We played almost 30 shows with him in his short stay and although we never recorded with him, he helped write much of ‘Rise Again’. Dan also played a week of our 2004 tour with us and towards the beginning of 2005 we enlisted his help again to write a batch of new songs and play a few more shows. Last time we saw him he was on the open road in an 18 wheeler.
Bryan Woodworth
Drums, Vocals
Founded 1994 – June 1999
Bryan is not only the man of a million nicknames, but also the original drummer and the only person in 800 Octane with any sort of formal musical knowledge. Bryan played drums and sang on every recording up until 1999 including the Kelvis album.
Paul Corbett
Guitar, Vocals
Founded 1994 – Dec 1996
Paul was there from day one and wrote and sang backups on many of the songs on ‘Swank’. He very amicably stayed behind when we left for Portland and still calls NC home.
Short Timers and Honorable Mentions
July 2002 – Aug 2002
At the time David was the bad-ass drummer of the band The Rhythm of ’84. They were nice enough to let us borrow him for a few big shows in the summer of 2002 that we didn’t want to cancel. Pretty sure we still owe all of them for that one.
Lyle Brown
Guitar, Vocals, Bass
Jan 2000 – Mar 2000
June 2003
After Bryan left and Jim settled in we decided we needed some more sound and added Lyle from the band Bomf! as a second guitar player. Lyle had to leave for personal reasons but later stepped back into the mix and filled in on bass for a few shows while Dave had a broken ankle and was left to sing with crutches. He appears at shows periodically and demands circle pits.
Greg (aka “Metal Greg”)
Guitar, Vocals
Jan 1996 – Dec 1996
Greg filled in on guitar for a few months while we were transitioning to Portland, helped write a bunch of songs and played a few shows. He was last spotted playing in a crust band, and is still more metal than you.
Daniel Beckham
Feb 1996
Daniel played two shows in Pennsylvania in 1996 that we Bryan couldn’t make and we didn’t want to cancel. He lives in NC and also played for a band called Pullman Strike. We figure this is worth a mention.
July 1994 – Aug 1994
Nick kept us playing over the summer of 1994 while Bryan was out of the country and helped us write a bunch of our early material. Sadly we never played a show with him. Nick once played in the NC band Marblehead.
June 1994
Strangely enough Shawn played our very first “real” show while Bryan was out of the country. He learned the songs a week in advance, played the show and we really never heard from him again.
June 1994
We had a chance to play on a radio station while Bryan was out of town so Richard stepped up, learned the songs in an afternoon and played what was technically our very first performance with us. Richard used to play in the NC band Silly.