Totally stoked to play with our homies in the Independents in October. Flyer is up!
The guys from The Punk Rock Demonstration have been playing our music for several years now. We haven’t thanked them in quite some time, so here’s a plug. If you like your music free and streaming check ’em out at punkrockdemo.com. Clearly they have excellent taste in music.
Just a reminder that we’re playing this Saturday night w/ D.O.A., Absent Minds and Clackamas Baby Killers. We’re playing third, just before D.O.A.. Be there or be square.
Just confirmed we’re opening for D.O.A. in August. Stoked.
After last years last minute cancellation with Moral Crux we’ve got another show booked with them in Portland. Time to party like it’s 1997 again!
A show? April 5th? Longview? Not a hoax!
We’ve had a couple of questions recently about how to get a hold of The Kelvis and The Return. Both albums are long out of print on physical CD. You can buy or stream them online in a variety of places, however we are now giving them away on our Bandcamp site. Both albums are setup for free download. You can make a donation, but it’s not required. Enjoy.
Thanks for those that showed up and stayed late last night. If anyone has any photos they can share please send them to 800octane@gmail.com!
Tonight will be our third show this year. That means we have will played 3x as many shows as 2011. Both Thundering Asteroids! and Stumblebum sound pretty rad, so this is shaping up to be a good show. Check it out if you are in the area!
Unfortunately we had to cancel our set in Seattle tomorrow evening. The show is still going on, just without us. If you are in the area go check it out anyway. Really, it’s hard to have a bad evening if Moral Crux is playing.