Let me just start by saying these guys kicked my ass. I should have not waited so long to go see them play. They play with pure passion and extreme energy. If you haven’t seen them yet you are as dumb as I am. Wait that didn’t sound good
This is a well produced disc of revved-up poppy punk. The song-writing’s top-notch and the guys are great musicians. Dave naturally sings with confidence and Brian’s back-ups add even more harmony and sweetness to the mix. There’s some great songs about monsters, pimps and aliens, but the reminiscent “Radio” about friendship (and beer) and the emotional songs, like “Still the Same” and “Brand New Faces” are powerful and honest and really touch me. Beer Can Count: One. Kelly drew an amazing cover for the CD and penciled in a redneck clutching a beer can as he’s about to get hacked to pieces. (Beer Can Fanzine #3)
Pop-punk rock’n’roll from Portland, Oregon, I think. Their sound is like a very energetic Misfits mixed with the Ramones so get this “Misfones” influenced kinda thing happening (maybe even tighter). Kind of a stronger early Badtown Boys and Face to Face mix. Track #2 “Condescend” and track #8 “Golden Road” are harmony-induced songs that kept me tappin’ my toes over and over. I like this release a lot and I hope they’re around for at least a few more records. 12 songs that set my mood for the day! I can see this band on Fearless, Fat, Hopeless, Epitaph or Lookout! One of these days. Catch them before they do! (Flipside)