Portland’s own 800 Octane is darker than your average punk band. Inspired by the Misfits and b-movies, this band is eminiscent of AFI around the release of Black Sails in the Sunset, It’s definitely working that Halloween theme but not quite overplaying it. Let’s hope it stays that way, because the world does not need another Davey Havoc. (Willemette Week / PR)
“800 Octane’s first trip to the Wow Hall, Eugene’s main All Ages venue, in over two years was long overdue. I have seen several shows at the Wow Hall over the past few years, as well as several 800 Octane performances – yet never have I seen a crowd respond quite like this. The band came a short 100 miles from Portland to the Willamette Valley college town to play in front of approximately one hundred screaming fans. Several songs from the bands breakout album “The Return” were shouted along with by members of the Eugene faithful, and a few true fans even sang along to new tracks off of the bands most recent album, “Rise Again.” After two albums with the same drummer, Jim decided it was time to move on from 800 Octane, which opened the door for Dustin. This was my first time experiencing the new rhythm sounds and I was very impressed by the technical advances that the band has taken by adding Dustin on drums. As usual, 800 Octane was right on and thrived off of the crowd’s enthusiasm. Dave’s vocals were right on, as were the guitar stylings of Eric and Justin. After 11 years and 427 shows, they’ve done more than most punk bands can say for themselves by not only surviving for this long, but also improving as time goes on. Keep rocking!” (Crave Magazine / Alex Cook)
Despite recently passing the 10-year mark, the punk rock of 800 Octane is still buzzing and alive. A decade is an eternity for a punk outfit. But rather than split up or get warm-refrigerator stale, these guys are still wheeling around singing about zombies, tour vans and pretty girls. Simple maybe, but there is a lot to be said for a band that has taken years to hone the iambic hexameter, drum fills and guitar solos. (RS) (Willamette Week)
The headliner this evening was 800 Octane. If you have ever seen the Octane boys play, there is no reason to even read on. Of course the set was solid. Of course the songs were flawless. Of course Dave was golden throated. Of course Eric nailed each song. Of course Justin jumped approximately 875879458954 times at an average height of 78 feet in the air. Of course Jim amazed us once again with his double bass action even though he doesn’t have a double bass pedal. Great set, great way to end the evening.” (Alex Cook / portlandmusicians.com)
800 Octane was just the band to provide that rock. I said earlier that 800 Octane never fails to entertain, and tonight’s show was no exception. If anything they put on their best live performance I’ve yet seen from these PDX cats. They came onstage decked out in skeleton shirts and zombie makeup, splattered in blood, and proceeded to start things off with a bad-ass cover of the Mistfits’ “Halloween”. Things didn’t slow down after that. Lead singer Dave continually spit blood into the crowd, who were going nuts, moshing, dancing, hopping onstage to sing along, and crowdsurfing throughout their entire set. One of the highlights of their set was the always crowd pleasing “Day of the Dead”, when several members from the crowd along with members from other bands playing took the stage to sing along with the band. The band is always great to it’s fans and tonight they had people flinging candy into the audience for the entire duration of their set. I’m talking probably 20 pounds of candy here. (note, do not stare at candy being thrown at your face, tootsie pop sticks hurt when they plunge into your face).” (PJ Crader / geekass.com)
The vocals for this band were totally awesome. Not only great melodic sound in a kind of deep voice, but a great screamer too. The back up vocalist was just funny but also good. They really played to the crowed and had a couple come up and sing, including their merch guy, who frigin rocked even with water getting poured in his ear by the singer. All in all it was a lot of fun no matter who was on stage. I gotta pick favs and tonight it was the headlining band for a change. (Anti_StatusPDX / nwequation.com)
Right next to the Girlz Garage was the Kevin Says stage where a local band, 800 Octane, was ripping it up. Definitely a Misfit/Danzig inspired rock band with a slight twist of Alkaline Trio. Coming from Portland, these guys do a really good job considering the crappy clubs and music environment that the Northwest has to offer, no offense of course. (Warped Tour Pit Report / warpedtour.com)
Last but not least was Bend’s favorite portland band
Did I even need to say that 800 Octane stole the show? These guys rocked with such intensity that it was almost impossible not to feel the music in your heart (not literally, of course). Justin was jumping around as usual, and somehow playing to perfection in the process; and Dave’s voice struck a chord with the whole audience, I’m sure. Octane is a show like no other, and they’re really fun to hang out with. I swear, this is the nicest band we’ve ever played with, and I can’t wait for our next show with them in Bend. (Sam / EPD)
Next up was 800 Octane. This Portland crew has built up quite a local following, and it seems like they always manage to secure a good turnout at their shows. Their great sound, and catchy lyrics draw new fans to every show, and tonight they put on a great one. Their set list was a killer mix of stuff off of their latest release, The Return, and several of their older tunes. Including crowd favorites like ‘Berserker’, ‘Day of the Dead’, and ‘Get In The Van’. And they gave props out to their street team, which is always cool. (of course they forgot to mention the FIRST person to hang flyers for this show in town, who shall go unnamed) Overall this was a great show, and all of the bands gave everything they had to please the crowd. (PJ / Kick Back Punks)