(Added Mar. 2002) – This was a cool one because it was the first time a bigger band had asked us to play out of town with them. It made us feel important. Also, it was our first out of state show!
(Added Mar. 2002) – What I remember most about this show is playing two Misfits covers and these two big dudes that I had never seen before came up, took the mic and sang it for us. Those dudes ended up being Kevin Freeman (of the Karloffs) and Rob (a.k.a. – Rob The Stalker) who both later became good friends of ours. Our payment for this show wasn’t cash but a $75 beer tab which Bryan and his friends almost single handedly consumed.
(Added Mar. 2002) – This show was crazy. We got to Asheville late and were told we only had 15 minutes to play. It was the first time I played while I was pissed off and it was the greatest thing in the world. We all played hard and fast and there really is nothing quite like it.
(Added Oct. 2001) – I am writing this 7 years after the original show and currently this show is still the most money we have ever made at a show. We ended up making $475! I remember it distinctly because I thought to myself “we can make a living from this.” As I write this in 2001 our last show after paying for gas we grossed $11. Ahhh the good old days. (*** Update Oct 2004 – We finally eclipsed the $475 mark when we got a $500 guarantee to play a show for Camel cigarettes. This is definitive proof that the only way to make money in music is to sell out ***)
(Added Oct. 2001) – This was our first “headlining” show. We thought we were so badass because of it and we treated the crowd to a set consisting of 23 songs!!! Oh, the pain they must have endured! 23 songs! We usually only play 12 or 13 on a good night now. We used to have some 4 and 5 minute songs back then too. I can’t believe anyone came to see us again after that.
(Added Oct. 2001) – This was our third show and ended up being our biggest show for about the next 4 years. It was some big outdoor festival thing in a big open air amphitheater. I remember it being really fun to play. It was a who’s who of Boone bands at the time and I remember feeling flattered to be a part of it. I also remember not knowing how to work the Marshall half stack I borrowed. Interestingly enough the sound guy at this show ended up recording out first album!
(Added Oct. 2001) – This was our first real club show and looking back I think it was honestly one of the best nights of my life. The club was packed, all our friends were there, all the local bands were there, it was a perfect late summer evening and we totally rocked. I think we surprised everyone that night, perhaps even ourselves. I don’t think we’ve even gotten a crowd reaction quite like we did that night. It was perfect in every way. When I think of Boone and “the good old days” I always think of that show.
(Added Mar. 2002) – I don’t remember this show at all but Dave swears we played it. After much discussion we recalled that it was actually an impromptu set at a basement party where another band was playing. It was in front of people so I guess it counts as a show.
(Added Oct. 2001) – This was our first real show. We thought we were so good and looking back we were so incredibly lame. Half our set was covers. We had long pauses. Paul had to tune everyone’s instruments. We had some sad little Hoss stickers that we handed out and we thought we were gods. I remember being incredibly nervous even though there were only a dozen people watching. Interesting fact … Bryan did not play this show! It was actually some dude named Shawn who we recruited since Bryan was out of the country for the summer. It’s always funny when we play small shows now because I always look back and think that how things really haven’t changed that much for us. We’re a lot better live (and have much better stickers) but sometimes we still get that blank stare reaction from a dozen people who have forgotten who you are before you’ve even left the stage.
(Added Mar. 2002) – Technically I guess this was our first live performance. We played 3 (or was it 4?) songs live on the air in the middle of the day during summer school. A prime audience to say the least. Bryan was out of town so we actually borrowed a drummer for the show who’s name we can’t recall. It was a pretty funny scene because we had to setup in the hallway and play. Somewhere a tape exists.