Eric's Show Journal - posted on December 5, 1998 by

Show Journal 1998-12-05

Emerald City Posse in da house! Back to Gibson’s again … home of sweating your ass off to a bunch of people sitting down at chairs and tables. Everyone politely sat around the whole night (through 4 bands) until about the last three songs of our set. Perhaps it was boredom or maybe it was Bryan’s heart-wrenching tale of how he wants to shoot old drivers “in the fucking head” but either way we played ‘Old People’ and people went nuts. A pit started smack dab in the middle of the typically lifeless club complete with stage diving. Sure it was only about 10 people, but after watching 4 other bands from your seat at a table it seemed like the most exciting thing to happen in years. Other highlights included Ward A’s vomiting bass player, Section One and their ability to make everyone look like wussies, “the Sheik”, and best of all the Kelvis singing his song back to us from the crowd.