Eric's Show Journal - posted on September 8, 2001 by

Show Journal 2001-09-08

Day 16 – Damn it’s cold today. I think the high was around 46. The fly swatters are working well and are giving the Nintendo a run for it’s money. Today’s drive was really long. Most other drives were between 500-600 miles. Today’s was 800 with another 800 miler tomorrow as well. At one point during the drive Justin was sleeping with his eyes open, snoring loudly and had 4 flies hovering around his crotch. The show tonight was great. Amazing turnout for such a small town. Special mention to the “loadie” which is slang for someone who is “mother fucking loaded”. I missed JM vs JM but Kevin said they rocked. Coldsnap 9 totally kicked ass and was very impressive. Switch Two 47 rocked hard as well. They have come a long way since our show last year and hopefully we can play with them again. During our set we had a guest vocalist wearing a gorilla mask and an 800 Octane girly t-shirt. We have no idea who it was. Too bad Kevin was in the bathroom and missed the masked one. Thanks to Switch Two 47 for hooking us up with the show!!! You guys rock!!! We drove until about 5:00 AM and stayed in another roadside rest stop.