Show Journal 2001-09-09
Day 17 – I bathed in a truck stop sink today. The water was cloudy but I didn’t care. Home is only 550 miles away which is still a very, very long drive home. We ate at Dick’s Burgers in Spokane which was a great detour for us. For the final home stretch Justin volunteered to drive. He hadn’t driven the van since California!!! I think something is coming over him. His hair isn’t spiked up, he’s willingly driving and at one point he actually requested to hear a Danzig album. Poor child. We arrived at home without incident and all in all I would consider the trip a success. The final reading on the Painometer was just over 8400 miles … our longest tour to date! Thanks to everyone who came to see us, helped us book shows and made this fun for us. Special thanks to Kevin for enduring us and this trip!!! I can’t remember laughing so much on a trip like this so thanks again for being fun to hang out with and for just being Kevin!