Eric's Show Journal - posted on June 7, 2002 by

Show Journal 2002-06-07

Day 1 – And so begins our fifth tour. I hesitate to call it a “tour” because we only have 5 shows (with 9 days of driving) but the way I see it anything more than a week in the van should count. Dave started us off with an inappropriate playing of The Ventures as we hit the road. We used to take off from town blasting Motorhead at top volume, later it was Sir Max-A-Lot and now sadly enough we have digressed to playing the Ventures. We all bitched and moaned until he shut it off and put in another CD more to our liking. What we didn’t realize is that we had awoken the presence of Dave’s new alter ego known as “off key whistling man”. When Dave is agitated with your actions he whistles to any CD off key and off time until you submit defeat and apologize. We’ve played in Richland a dozen times before but somehow we managed to miss our turn and got terribly lost. Probably because we were busy trying to figure out how we were going to tell Derik and Damon apart in STFS. Dave suggested we call them Tweedledee and Tweedledamon. I can’t possibly imagine them being amused by that. We got to the show late and loaded in while STFS was playing. I was very glad to see everyone going off to STFS’s music. We sat in awe for a the rest of their set as they have become an awesome band since last time we saw them. They jump, they yell, them play hard and my god they rock now. They were good before but they seem like a whole new band when they play live. I am so glad we get to play so many shows with them. We had an amazing set tonight. I think this was the best show we’ve ever played in Richland. The guitar carnage started early tonight … 3 broken strings and a dead wireless. Seriously the show totally rocked, I would write more but words can’t do it justice. I think it was my second favorite show we have ever played. Afterwards we finally got to say hi to STFS (since we got there late) and then we headed out to Spokane that night. We watched an informative movie about the dangers of STD’s that was produced in the 50’s to pass the time. Pretty classy stuff. We followed STFS to Spokane to pick up Adam’s backpack which he had left there. We got pretty lost but didn’t really care since we were all still so amped to be getting out of town. We ended up staying at a truck stop in Idaho as STFS drove onward.