Eric's Show Journal - posted on July 19, 2002 by

Show Journal 2002-07-19

Super fun show this evening. Our van is still dead on the street in front of Dave’s house so we ended up renting a trailer and taking Dave’s car to the show. No big deal but we ended up running way late because of it. In fact we totally missed Point.Blank and only saw the last few songs of Spare Lead. Backwash was up third and it was nice to finally play with them. From what we saw the crowd seemed kind of subdued the whole night but when we played thankfully everyone seemed to wake back up. One odd thing about tonight was that all of our amps were powered by a surge protector that was located at the front of the stage. It was a pretty rowdy crowd so every few minutes the thing would get knocked loose and our amps would turn off. That might sound annoying but the cool thing was that whenever it happened everyone in the crowd would sing along for a few seconds until someone plugged the power back in. Other random show highlights include Dave making an inappropriate joke about “pussy fingers” on stage, Jon commanding everyone to “wang chung tonight” from the merch table, and the realization that someone in the crowd had most likely crapped their pants. Good times. Thanks to Chrissy, PJ, Spare Lead and extra thanks to Jon for coming along for the ride and helping with our merch and power issues!