I really thought this show was going to be great and at approximately 10:02 PM I watched my high expectations turn into the dismal reality of being an unwelcome band in front of an apathetic and intoxicated crowd. We actually started off strong opening with ‘Kelvis’. Beer was spilled and bodies were moving. By the second song people realized something was amiss. They wanted long hair and metal. We had neither to offer and soon the projectiles began to fly. For each can, cup and lit cigarette that was tossed at us we cut another song on the set list. We finished 9 songs in just over 20 minutes and that was more than enough. Truth be told we actually did get a lot of compliments from people but sadly the section of the crowd that didn’t like us was the more vocal section. Dave tried to rationalize things afterwards by saying that “sometimes people throw beer on bands they like”. That is often a true statement (especially at Zak’s) but not tonight. All that came to mind was the line from the Blues Brothers … “those lights are off on purpose”. We watched Pornstore Janitor’s set and bailed. I really hate bands that do that but we really needed a change of scenery. After returning to Kevin’s crib, we ordered 120 hot wings, many drinks and did our best to forget our excursion to Zak’s. Despite my complaining we do want to thank Brian and Janitor Jon for hooking up the show.