Show Journal 2009-11-13
I don’t have too much to say other than that this was a damn fun show. The show started off a rollicking set by Rum Rebellion who were followed by the crust metal explosion of Embrace the Kill. We played third and I must confess it was very nice to play to a large room again. Every time we get to play a “big show” I know I always try a little harder to enjoy the moment because you don’t get many chances at it. Although we only had a tiny sliver of stage I think we played pretty well. The pit on the all ages side ebbed and flowed the whole set and the head bobbing from the bar side of the room reassured me that things were going well. No real mishaps and no real highlights, just what I thought was a pretty solid set. The Misfits were of course the main draw and the crowd ranged from the curious onlookers to the fanatical followers. I think it’s very safe to say The Misfits are our single biggest influence and therefore I have very mixed feelings on their set. On one hand, the sound wasn’t that great, the show and merch was crazy expensive, the vocals were fairly hit or miss, and let’s face it, the two most prominent members of the band are long gone. On the other hand, there is something satisfying about seeing those songs performed live no matter what the circumstances. Had I paid for the show I might be a little bummed, but we did have the unique position of being able to contribute to a show featuring a band we’ve loved for so long. Would I have preferred to see The Misfits back after Earth A.D. was released? Of course. Sometimes you have to take what you can get though, so all in all I’ll consider this show a success. Highlight of the night goes to Kevin, who pointed out that Jerry Only with his spike covered jacket bears a striking resemblance to Bowser. Thanks to Berbati’s, Double Tee and all our friends who came out despite the cold weather and numerous show options that evening!